About Doctor
Dr.Reshma.K has finished her MBBS from Government Dharmapuri Medical College. She has completed her MD degree from Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute . During her post graduation, she got trained in GEM hospital , Adyar Cancer Institute and Institute of Child Health for specialities like Surgical gastroenterology , Surgical oncology and pediatric surgery , respectively . After completing her MD degree, she started her career as Senior Resident in Bhaarath Medical College and Hospital where she has dealt with critical obstetric emergencies , pediatric surgeries , vascular surgeries , surgical oncology cases . Currently she is continuing her Anesthesia and Critical care journey in Gem hospital.
core strengths
- Ability to communicate with patients and relatives in an appropriate manner
- Prioritize safety of the patient in first hand
- Ability to administer anesthesia safely and effectively which will ensure patient’s comfort during perioperative period
- Ability to resuscitate critically ill patients in an effective manner and ensure better outcome
- Promptly discuss about case management with TEAM as and when required without any hesitation
- Interested in academics and conducting events during conference and CME
- Reshma, K; Ruth, Merlin Shalini1. Anesthetic management of a patient with incidental left atrial myxoma posted for wound debridement in hand. Indian Journal of Anesthesia 67(2):p 226-227, February 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/ija.ija_864_21
- Won FIRST prize in paper presentation for “ Anesthesia management of right parapharyngeal abscess with anticipated difficult airway “ in CHETANCON 2021
- Presented a poster of “ Combined epidural spinal anesthesia for laparoscopic TEP repair “ in ISACON Karnataka
- Faculty in conferences conducted for Allied Health Science students in Bhaarath Medical College Hospital and Vinayaka Mission School of Allied Health Sciences .
- Have attended various national conferences and workshops as a delegate .