DIABETES & General medicine
Department of Diabetes and Lifestyle Management
Disease Treated
GEM Expertise – COED – (Centre Of Excellence for Diabetes)
- GEM Hospital, which is known for its specialisation and advanced care in abdominal /gastrointestinal ailments, is a pioneer in providing comprehensive diabetic and gastrointestinal care.
- Detailed History of health status of Client.
- Targeted Tests after extensive discussion.
- Personalised Follow-up with reminders.
- Coordinated Superspeciality Services.
- Comprehensive Treatment with 360* follow up.
- Extensive standardised Online Consult through Interactive Platform.
- Emergency Diabetic Care – 24*7
GEM Obesity & Diabetes Surgery Centre
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an important component of metabolic syndrome which includes obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. The concept takes its origin from Bariatric (also called Obesity surgery) which was initially intended to treat Obesity permanently.
- This hormonal concept was further studied and the results have shown promising results in the control of diabetes even in patients using large doses of insulin and also inadequate control in spite of various medication usage. Hence this is ideally suited for those patients who want to get rid of their insulin shots and are also not able to achieve diabetes remission in spite of maximum medical therapy.
- ArecentLevelIevidencethatcomparedBariatricsurgeryandmedicaltherapyhasclearlyshownthatsurgeryfordiabetesprovidesthemosteffectivediabeticcontrolintheshortandlongtermcomparedtomedicaltherapy.
- GEMObesity&DiabetesSurgeryCentreholdspridetohaveperformedthelargestnumberofsuchsurgeriesinAsiaandistheonlycenterexperiencedtoperformallkindsofsuchoperationsincludingnovelprocedureslike
- Laparoscopic Duodenojejunal bypass,
- Laparoscopic ileal Interposition, etc.
GEM Obesity & Diabetes Surgery Centre
• Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an important component of metabolic syndrome which includes obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. The concept takes its origin from Bariatric (also called Obesity surgery) which was initially intended to treat Obesity permanently.
• This hormonal concept was further studied and the results have shown promising results in the control of diabetes even in patients using large doses of insulin and also inadequate control in spite of various medication usage. Hence this is ideally suited for those patients who want to get rid of their insulin shots and are also not able to achieve diabetes remission in spite of maximum medical therapy.
• A recent Level I evidence that compared Bariatric surgery and medical therapy has clearly shown that surgery for diabetes provides the most effective diabetic control in the short and long term compared to medical therapy.
• GEM Obesity & Diabetes Surgery Centre holds pride to have performed the largest number of such surgeries in Asia and is the only center experienced to perform all kinds of such operations including novel procedures like
• Laparoscopic Duodenojejunal bypass,
• Laparoscopic ileal Interposition, etc.
- Chairman – GEM Hospital and Research Centre
- Professor & Director – Institute of Gastroenterology & Minimal Access Surgery
- Managing Trustee – GEM Digestive Diseases Foundation – Charitable Trust