Dr Babu Narayanan
MD ( Internal Medicine ), FHIVM, PGDMLE, MBA
Consultant Physician and Diabetologist
About Doctor
Dr.Babu Narayanan a skilled Physician by qualification, a trained Critical Care expert, Toxicologist, HIV Physician, Quality professional and seasoned administrator with more than 18 years of experience in managing Clinical Operations for large multi-speciality hospitals.
He has more than 23 years of experience in managing patients with a wide variety of ailments with special attention to comprehensive and holistic approach addressing to the physical, mental, environmental and social dimensions of the patients. He is providing comprehensive diabetes care addressing the preventive to tertiary care of diabetics with special knowledge in reversal and rehabilitation. He has wide experience in treating patients with poisoning ranging from snake bite to Organophosphorus poisoning. His experience in HIV treatment has a wider coverage addressing community related interventions to individualized patient care. He has played a paramount role as an expert committee panel member in the “Tamil Nadu Government Covid 19 Expert Panel” formulating and implementing treatment protocols across the state. He personally has treated more than 3000 patients in the three waves of Covid 19.
He collaborated with Parkinson Research Centre in King’s College London for bringing Apomorphine based therapy for Advanced Parkinsonism for the first time in India
His ways with the patients was both empathetic and considerate, taking time to hear their problems with exhaustive history collection arriving at comprehensive diagnosis and evidence based treatment.
He has held various posts in IMA, ANBAI and CAHO representing doctors in all these forums as a social commitment for his fellow colleagues.
core strengths
- Physician
- Diabetologist
- Critical Care Physician
- Toxicologist
- HIV Physician
- Life Style Medicine Professional
- Thiamethoxam,a Neonicotinoid Poisoning Causing Acute Kidney Injury via a Novel Mechanism – KI Reports - 2020 International Society of Nephrology. Published by Elsevier Inc.
- Comprehensive Medical Journal of India (CMJI) “AIDS -Associated Disseminated Kaposi’s Sarcoma – A Case Report” published on An Official Academic Journal of IMA Tamilnadu ,P-15 to 17.
- International Journal of Scientific Study “Study of Reintubation in Intensive care – A Retrospective Study “March 2019 Vol 6 Issue 12 pg :No 223 -226.
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research “CASE REPORT ON ACUTE METHOTREXATE TOXICITY” Volume 8, Issue 12, XXX-XXX.ISSN 2277– 7105DOI: 10.20959/wjpr201912-15960
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research” Drug Utilization evaluation of higher end antibiotics in a intensive medical care unit of a tertiary care hospital”May 2019 ISSN (e)2393-915X,ISSN(p)2454-7379,Volume 6,No5,ICV 2018:98.46