What is hernia ?
Hernias result from weak abdominal muscles, resulting in a defect through which the intestine comes out. Defect/ weakness can be following injury, after open surgery, heavy lifting or chronic straining from cough/ constipation etc. Without surgery, hernias continue to grow and can lead to serious, life-threatening complications.
The division of Abdominal wall reconstruction (AWR) and Hernia surgery at GEM hospital provides state of the art care and advanced treatment for patient with all types of hernias including the complex, recurrent and failed hernias referred from all across the country. Minimal invasive approach with laparoscopic and robotic surgery is the key to early recovery and better result in our center


Types of Hernias

Our expert surgeons operate on all types of hernias, including those found in the
  • Groin (Inguinal, femoral hernia)
  • Abdomen scar or incision site (Incisional hernia)
  • Abdomen/ventral wall (ventral hernia)
  • Belly button (umbilical hernia)
  • Upper stomach/diaphragm (hiatal hernia)
  • Large hernias with loss of domain
  • Loss of domain is the clinical situation when major part of the abdominal viscera is outside the abdominal cavity. These hernias are very rare and complex. The abdominal wall reconstruction team at GEM hospital have decades of experience in handling such complicated hernia referred here from India and abroad.


  • With more than 3 decades of experience and being the first center in India to start Hernia surgery and develop the field of minimally invasive surgery by training the surgeons from all across the globe, GEM hospital maintains the highest standard of care in treating hernia patients.
  • 4K laparoscopy, 3D camera system, Robotic Surgery, Artificial intelligence is part of routine use in treating and defining the pathway of recovery of hernia patients giving individualized care.
  • Mesh used for reinforcing the repairs are one of the best brands available for use
  • Modern surgery is all about technique and technology and GEM hospital has been the early adaptor of technology to provide our patients the best facility as per the international standards.
  • With more than 15 thousand hernia repair over the years, no other institution has such wide experience in managing all types of hernia the minimally invasive way.
  • Robotic surgery are also done for all types of hernias needing robotic assistance


  • Dr C. Palanivelu MS, MCh, FRCS
  • Dr Palanisamy Senthilnathan MS, DNB (G.I. Surgery),FRCS, FACS, FMAS
  • Dr Pinak Dasgupta MS, FNB (Minimal Invasive Surgery) , FACRSI, FMAS
  • Dr. S.Srivatsan Gurumurthy M.S, DNB (G.I.Surgery), FMAS, FMIAS
  • Dr.Srinivasan Muthukrishnan MS , MRCS , M.Ch (Surgical Gastroenterology)
  • Dr Jayanth Leo XL MS, FMAS, FACS, Fellowship in Minimal Invasive Bariatric Surgery
  • Dr Ajay Pai MS, M.Ch (Surgical Gastroenterology)
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