Awards & Recognitions
Dr. BC Roy National Awardee
2006 and 2015
Under the category of development of specialty medicine namely laparoscopic surgery in 2006 and eminent medical person in 2015. This rare honour of having this award twice is a testimony to his achievement.
Award by House of Commons,
UK Parliament 2018
For his orginal contribution to development of Laparoscopic surgery, the only Indian to receive this honour.
First Indian to win Silver Medal
In the international Olympic minimal access surgery competition in 2009 in Phoenix USA.
Innovated over 20 new operative
Which are considered world’s best and the videos of these procedures are included in the teaching resources of American College of Surgeons, American gastrointestinal SAGES university, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburg, Korean, Chinese and Japanese universities.
Authored many books in surgery
Which are of international repute. For the first time in Indian medical history, his books got published in various languages – Spanish, Chinese, Korean etc.
First Indian surgeon
Who was accorded the privilege to operate and teach in various countries including UK, USA, Hong Kong, Argentina etc.
Dr. Aasirvada Nadar Memorial gold medal
Standing 1st in The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai – Final MBBS OG exam in 1998
Young Investigator Award
14th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery held at Yokohama, Japan, 2-5 September 2008 for the Paper Titled “Laparoscopic Choledochal Cyst Excision and Hepaticojejunostomy”
Gold Medal in the DNB Surgical Gastroenterology
Securing the 1st Place in the Final Examination,2008 conducted by National Board of Examinations, New Delhi
First Surgeon
First Surgeon in the World to perform live webcast of Laparoscopic Whipple’s surgery, April 2014
Best Paper Award
Best Paper Award at the World Congress of IHPBA 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil for his work on the paper titled
“Randomized controlled trial of Laparoscopic and open Pancreaticoduodectomy”
Best Poster Award
Best Poster Award at the 6th Bennial Congress of the Asia-Pacific Hepato-pancreato-Biliary Association & 29th Meeting of Japanese society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery held at Yokohama, Japan, 7-10 June 2017 for the Poster titled “Initial Experience of the artery first approach in laparoscopic Pancreatoduodenectomy”